प्रेम JOURNALISM 流动 (Liúdòng) Español-English-Deutsch- 💙 ( Periodismo ElectrónicoEntrandoLaQuintaDimensión ⇶ P.E.) 💙 I nstagram : @ florezarts "even if u think different.... can NOT kill people because of that... AUNQUE SE PIENSE DIFERENTE ...NUNCA SE MATA A LA GENTE" 💙 💙 💙 I am not a journalist, at least with studies ... until now I had only play to be one. From now on, i will not any longer post videos or write words or place pictures imagined by others seeking the TRUTH of the reality that is happening to us NOW ... No more copying and paste between the blog telling this or telling that. The wrinkles I have in between my eyebrows are witness to the cares and concerns of a photographer looking for something that moves him to the "0" zone where the events are taking place and the light is perfect... humanity has a repetitive tendency knowing that NONE of his prophecies will be fulfilled.... but expects something big though. Ther...